
2008 Leavenworth Christmas

Merry Christmas to our Family and Friends,

This has been a great Christmas Season and we just wanted to share with you a few stories.

Christmas Eve:
1. Candlelight Service at FBC Abilene-Singing Silent Night at the end of the service with only candles lit. Absolutely breathtaking! Brayden made it through the first 10 minutes like a big boy, but I ended up taking him out of the service during the scripture reading time with Brayden saying, "I don't want to go to "that" room." Be joyful, be joyful:)
2. Getting ready for Santa-Leaving the cookies out...We got a phone call from the BIG man at the North Pole. This was to help Brayden get spurred on into his bed to fall asleep.
3. Russell read the Christmas Story to us after we tucked Brayden into bed. It is true, kids will start asking you questions regardless of there age. He loves to "be in" the Bible while Russ is reading aloud.
4. Playing Santa-I filmed the entire event. Russ made bootprints with the soot on our hardwood floors. So cute...Russ said his dad used to do this when they were growing up.

Christmas Day:
1. Woke up at 5:30 a.m. to see what Santa brought Brayden. Watching Brayden on Christmas morning is the best, and one of the coolest parts about being a parent.
2. Left for Odessa, TX to my parents home.
3. We all left as a family and went to Andrews, TX to see this house completely decked out in Christmas lights. The lights were also in sync to Christmas music.

Day After Christmas:
1. Our family Christmas gift exchange took place with Christmas Dinner.
2. Our new sister-in-law, Callie, is a game lover. She came with a game for us to play. Each team has a pair of pantyhose and six balloons. Blow up each balloon and stuff 3 balloons in each pantyhose leg. Once each leg has 3 balloons you put it on your head, like antlers, and sing Jingle Bells. This family gets drunk on laughter. A new YouTube video awaits for viewers to watch my family act as crazy as possible.

1 comment:

BeausMom said...

I just got a chance to watch Karri's Confections w/ your sister. It's my favorite episode so far! Your sister is a DOLL!
I want to see that cookbook. That is the best idea!!!