
Mother's Day

Mother's Day started out for me as being rough. It shouldn't have been, but gosh it was rough. It was the first Mother's Day not being married and this brings a lot of emotions. I am very grateful to have Brayden in my life and so thankful that God blessed me with this little man. He is a complete joy, he says some of the most random things at the most random times, intelligent, and such a charmer....I could go on and on like any mother, but will stop the bragging.

I have friends that have adopted, miscarried, pregnant, and waiting to figure out what in the world is going on??? With the two miscarriages, I think about what the personalities would have been like, what they would look like, gender, etc... On Sunday morning as I was driving back to my home to get my Bible for church...I thought these were moments I had no control over, let it go...let it go. It still makes me sad. I am constantly reminded when I get in this funk that God was faithful, because he gave us Brayden.

The day definitely got better because I have parents, brothers, a sister, and friends that know exactly what to say. Took a little time out and danced with my brother, sat on the back porch, and loved on Brayden...it turned out to be a GREAT day!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Faithful He is. We are all a testiment to that sista. Look forward to seeing you at Bunco. :)