
The Innocent Sayings of Brayden...

Yesterday in Walmart I am doing a little grocery shopping with Brayden. Lately, he has become such a drama boy...hmmmmm:) He announces at a very random time, and may I add very loudly, "Boys wear underwear and girls wear diapers." I said, "No, boys wear underwear and girls wear panties." His reply, "Yea mom, boys wear underwear and girls wear anties." Here's the deal, Brayden makes people laugh. All of the people in the hairspray aisle at Walmart were giggling.

This morning, I am getting him ready for school and he looks at me with those BIG blue eyes and says, "Mommy I think I love you." I replied back with, "You think?" He said with a sigh, "Well, I do love you."

You know he is my favorite three year old boy....

1 comment:

Julie said...

such random, simple things, such unforgettable memories