
Boxers, Briefs, or Boxer Briefs

As many of you are aware, Brayden prefers to wear NO underwear. It's a minor inconvenience to me in the morning to make sure he has underwear on for the day. I had a funny discussion in early August regarding this inconvenience with Josh. He encouraged me to buy boxer briefs for Brayden.

October rolls around and I decide it's a new month to try something new. I stroll through Target and pick up this new style of underwear for B. Monday was the first day he put them on and you would have thought my child was going to kiss the ground I walked on! LOL!! He rubbed his hands on his new boxer briefs and said, "mom, how did you know about these?" I said, "Josh told me you would like these better." He said, "that Josh is a smart man!"

That afternoon I picked Brayden up from school and he said, "I got a green on my chart BUT I must tell you I did something very bad today." I pulled the car over to the side of the road and I said, "start talking." He said, "I just need to tell you so I can still go to Colt's football game." Then he handed me his folder, which means there is a note from the teacher.

After you read something like this, what sort of responsible parental advice am I to give? I looked at him and cocked one eyebrow. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know mom...it all seems silly to me." Clearly boxer briefs is what he prefers to wear.

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