
A Heart Like That Of Simeon

My dad led a family devotional the night we did Christmas. Instead of dad reading just the Christmas story from Luke 2:1-20, he read out of Luke 2:21-40. This passage gave me incredible insight into the heart of Simeon. This passage is about Jesus being taken to and presented in the temple. Honestly, I have given very little thought to Simeon. Luke wrote and said he was, "righteous and devout." The Holy Spirit covered Simeon. The Holy Spirit revealed to him that he would not die until he had seen the Messiah. Could you imagine this being revealed to you? If I was Simeon and this was revealed to me, I would wake up everyday with anticipation that THIS could be the DAY! It does say in Luke, Simeon was moved by the Spirit to the temple courts. I have been wondering what was Simeon thinking as he was walking into the temple courts. Did it ever cross Simeon's mind that this was THE DAY...AND that the Messiah was there waiting for him to do what was custom of the Law? It must have been a rush of emotions for Simeon the moment he not only saw the Messiah, but held the Messiah. The Messiah came as a baby!

Christ is never surprised by anything that takes place. I don't picture Him shaking his head and saying, "Gosh Karri, I didn't see that coming." He is in control of our lives. He allows it ALL to happen. I wonder if Simeon was just a little bit surprised seeing the Messiah as a baby. The one thing that I love about this passage is Simeon's heart was so in tuned to the Holy Spirit that he recognized the Messiah immediately (and did not question) and praised God.

Oh, how I have been waiting for 2012 to come around! I can't say the entire year of 2011 was awful, because it would be a lie. I definitely had some personal defining moments of growth that came from being completely broken. I like knowing I was brought to a place where the only place I could look to was Christ. God has held me all these years, but truly this last year I can say with conviction He has never left my side. Our family went through major changes this year. My family is no different than most because many families went through changes...and not all these changes are heartbreaking, but changes that required adjustments.

I am my father's daughter...it is true;-) I say this because some of my best attributes (at least I think--lol!!) is a direct correlation of how my dad...and mom raised me. One of the very first things that will come out of my dad's mouth is "what are your next steps"..."what is your goal"..."what do you want to accomplish by doing this?" It can be annoying at times, but I have been taught to think with such a forwardness. I can typically respond immediately with steps and goals. It is safe to say millions of people have made resolutions for this new year. I definitely have a couple of areas that I am turning my attention to, but my main focus for 2012 is that through my daily journey I am able to recognize Christ immediately...and give Him praise immediately.

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