
My Heart Is Overjoyed

This last weekend I spent some time at the Alto Frio Baptist Encampment with the singles from my church as well as other singles from Texas. I joked with the others during the retreat that at the first free moment I was writing on my blog about the experience.

I’m 32 years old and my parents were on the trip. Yes, it is funny and I laughed about this excessively! My dad is the Singles Minister for FBC Odessa…need I say more? I love my parents. The driver and copilot of this excursion took us on a scenic route putting us at the camp after 11:00 pm on Friday night. AND for the record, I am not passing blame on anybody for the scenic route…I agree it was the maps fault! All I can say is the people present in the van got a small…a very small glimpse into a Norris’ vacation.

It was obviously a singles retreat, but there were times the BIGGEST smile would come across my face, because I also felt like I was at a senior adult retreat. The only story I will share (and I have plenty) is I was standing over the sink brushing my teeth and the lady next to me was doing the same thing, but with her dentures. I started giggling…I just couldn’t help it!

Alto Frio is incredible at night…moonlight swimming and the Prayer Garden. The stars were brilliant all three nights. Three of us…excuse me FOUR, vowed an oath of silence regarding Stripes convenient store and $1 bills. I cannot say anymore because I will have broken the silence. The coolest activity was the zip line. I FINALLY got to take this off of my bucket list. I have wanted to do this for years and I finally had the opportunity.

On a more serious heartfelt note…God’s will and God’s allowance of events to take place in our lives. My testimony of the weekend is realizing it is irrelevant to what has gotten me to this place in my life. Will I forget? No. What is relevant is that my value is based on knowing I am a child of God. I want to be in His will, because His will brings me the greatest joy. I have been content and happy the better part of my 32 years. I came to the conclusion mid-June that what I crave for is joy.

Joy in Christ is what I have been seeking for nearly three months. On the way back to Odessa it struck me that I was approaching the three month mark of my annulment with Patrick. I looked at my mom in the van and mentioned it to her. She just smiled at me. The reality is that God has healed me from a broken marriage. I love Him so much more. I thought according to therapists and books it would take longer…it took less time with God. Isn’t that freeing knowing God is not bound by what a therapist or what a book says!! My heart was given to Patrick, but who held it all this time was not Patrick (I only thought he did) it was God. When I felt the pain of a broken heart and when I thought it was shattered into a million pieces…it was still held by my Father.

My heart is overjoyed…

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